Monday, December 19, 2011


Every story, every script, every book, every article and almost everything should always start with an introduction. An introduction about myself, the purpose and the would-be contents of this blog for those who will accidentally encounter this are just a few way to start that of. But the most important introduction would be about the purpose of this blog to ME.

I’ve always wanted to create a blog but the fear of not being able to use it well due to busy times always gets the better of me. But finally and hopefully, this blog of mine will be use quite often and will serve as my diary of every unforgettable event, moments, lines, people and especially, my passion.

I’m actually experiencing the moments of realizing the realities of life. How? Where? At work. Being a graduating student and nearly getting in the professional world, on-the-job training is the most relevant preparation. However, I’m not actually getting what I bargained for. Probably because I expected too much to ever think that whatever I am doing now, doesn’t necessary broaden my skills and knowledge in the degree I’m about to finish. But the very thing that keeps me going and thinking that I will surely take a different path the moment I graduate, is my passion for writing.

I love writing. But I’m not actually saying that I am very good at it. (You can actually start judging my skills by NOW. Feel free. No hard feelings from me.) I actually like writing scripts, whether it’s for news, talk shows, feature articles, because it never fails to give me the incapability to judge whether I am any good at it or not. Kinda confusing, right? Actually, I don’t clearly know why I wanted to write. I just felt this sense of uniqueness whenever I do the job as the scriptwriter in any production.

And judging myself, I’m far from any higher expectation but I’m not that bad. There are just major flaws that I need to work on, I think. But even so, everything can be learned and be corrected. That’s why I created my own blog. Seriously, I got tired of writing my thoughts, perception and comments on scratch papers. The sole purpose of this blog is for me to express memorable thoughts, advices, and lessons from the experiences and the tasks I do, from the people I encounter which will serve as scripts or writings of my perspectives and realizations of what reality brings to as of now.

So if ever you come across this blog, please go easy on everything that I will put here. This is just another way of putting ease at my thoughts in the midst of my busy days.

By the way, I kept on rambling about myself that I forgot how many days left before Christmas arrives. Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Let’s not forget and neglect the true essence and meaning of this very season.

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