Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PRAYER: One Hope for Christmas

pray by samantha celera
pray, a photo by samantha celera on Flickr.
What we really need right now; What we always failed to do most of the time

Most of us are all excited for the upcoming Christmas Eve and Christmas day. But just when it’s almost there, something none of us ever wanted to happen took place.

People from Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City are all in the midst of a crisis due to the severe damages and lost caused by Tropical Storm Sendong. Lives were lost, members of families went missing; food and water are insufficient; their homes and living were destroyed. While others are still busy preparing for Christmas, some of our fellow countrymen are finding ways on how to survive despite the catastrophe brought about by Tropical Storm Sendong.

So how do we celebrate Christmas in the midst of this crisis? We can still celebrate but we have to take a different way of how to do it. If nothing like this disaster ever took place, we would want to once again celebrate it to the best that we can with our families. We can still do that. But there are important things we should include at this very moment.

Prayers. I know for sure how powerful prayers are. Praying for all the people affected by this calamity is one way to truly empathize to what they are going through right now. No matter what happen, it’ sreally tough to go on our usual celebrations without thinking of those who are grieving for the lost of their love ones, for those who are hungry, thirsty, in need of shelter and medication.
Of course, we all wanted to help in a much greater degree like donating foods, clothes and even money. That’s why we have these foundations that are doing their best to attend to the immediate needs of most families in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City.

But one of the biggest things we can do is to pray for all those families. Pray that they may have the strength to go through this crisis, to find their missing love ones and be able to survive despite the damages and lost in their living. Its one of the most important moment to be selfless and think about the others, think about how fortunate we are and how we could share and emphasize with our fellow Filipinos.

Despite this, let's still keep in our minds what really is the true meaning and essence of Christmas. What most of us usually neglect is the act of being thankful all the time. We only realize the importance of what we have once we lost it and after we took it for granted.

We all need moment of silence to thank God for all the blessings and pray for all the people in the world especially those who are in the midst of a tragedy. This is one important thing that can make this Christmas filled with hope for all of us. Let’s still find a way to make other people’s Christmas merry by offering small but truly powerful prayers.


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